

The NJCAA, the national governing body of two-year college athletics, has announced NJCAA电子竞技的创立. 这个新的电子竞技协会将提供为期两年的服务 colleges with governance, competition and official national championships while also providing guidance and positive development for two-year colleges to build and operate 的电子竞技项目. Trinidad State is excited to be a key participant in this inagural 季节!

eSports is one of the most exciting and fastest-growing industries in the world today. Last year, the League of Legends World Championship had 更多的 than 100 million unique 而超级碗的观众人数为9800万. 电子竞技提供了一种吸引力 viewing experience to an audience no longer tied to traditional media. 抽动, ESPN of eSports, promotes online viewership of eSports and tournaments.

This has propelled the massive growth in eSports viewers and audience numbers. 今天 the best eSports athletes make millions and the industry is backed by big names in 传统体育. 最近,电子竞技迎来了第一个十亿美元的年头!

The proliferation of eSports arenas across the country illustrates the amount of resources 学院和大学都致力于电子竞技. 目前最大的电子竞技 这个国家的竞技场在佛罗里达州. Full Sail大学创造了11000平方米的空间 foot eSports arena with room for 100 simultaneous gamers and 500 spectators.

  • 电子竞技是一个爆炸性的行业 describing the world of competitive, organized video gaming representing the next 一代运动和娱乐.
  • 电子竞技选手将被邀请参加 TSC最先进的新游戏区 – heavy-duty gaming computers, ergonomic furniture, and a comfortable atmosphere 是否会完善玩家的游戏体验.
  • 电子竞技的好处: builds teamwork, time-management skills, social skills, strategic thinking and planning, managing success and failure, maintains academic standing, effectively problem solve 在各种情况下,促进亲社会的价值观.
  • 游戏: Call of Duty – Gunfight, Cold War, and Warzone, Hearthstone, Super Smash Brothers, Madden, NBA2K, Rainbow 6, Rocket League, FIFA 21, Valorant, Fortnite, and Overwatch
  • Athletes will scrimmage and compete against community colleges around the United States 为了一个机会 国家级和地区级奖杯 通过NJCAAE.
  • 学生将获得 国家风险敞口 live-streaming all tournament 游戏 on Twitch - viewership is expected to grow between 2019 and 2023, from 454 million in 2019 to 646 million in 2023.
  • 电子竞技的奖学金 在很多四年制大学都有吗.
  • eSports is a growing industry – an increase of 118% in full-time jobs in 2019, and 市场有望突破1美元大关.到2023年将达到50亿美元 professional eSports players AVERAGE $60,000 yearly salary.
  • $623.价值900万美元 赞助的投资 会在2020年变成电子竞技吗.
  • 电子竞技工作: playing, marketing, coaching, advertising, arena maintenance, shout casters, videographers, 电子游戏设计师、顾问、企业主等.
  • The total eSports audience size grew to 496 million in 2020, 观众比美式橄榄球还要多 and Rugby—anticipated overshadowing baseball viewership by 2023.

  • 社交媒体营销
  • 教练/教练
  • 播音员
  • 分析师
  • 游戏代理
  • 体育交易员
  • 电子竞技活动协调员
  • 伯乐
  • 销售
  • 市场营销
  • 体育解说员
  • 电子竞技服务员
  • 电子竞技项目管理员

  • 数字素养
  • 社交媒体营销
  • 健康
  • 手眼协调能力
  • 批判性思维
  • 解决问题
  • 增加内存容量
  • 沟通
  • 奖学金
  • 高中电子竞技
  • 给学校的钱
  • 工业工作之路
  • 工作技能
  • 团队合作


NAC标志图像 全国大学电子竞技协会
National Association of Collegiate eSports (NACE) is a nonprofit membership association 由会员机构组织并代表会员机构组织. 我们的成员共同发展 the structure and tools needed to advance collegiate eSports in the varsity space. We are collaborating to lay the groundwork in areas such as: Eligibility, Path to 毕业与竞赛 & 奖学金. NACE是唯一的大学协会 eSports programs at colleges and universities across the U.S.
• Private discord server (voice-over software) for athletic directors, coaches, and 更多的

NAC eSports is the governing body that sets rules and standards for varsity eSports 要跟随的团队. Their rules cover items such as player eligibility, team behavior, 流媒体规则. ECAC是东部大学田径大会的所在地 in the Eastern US with tournaments spanning the eight most popular 游戏 on college 校园. They provide the tournament framework and organization in which all member schools compete including bracket tournaments, rankings, and conference championships.

The National Junior College Athletic Association Esports (NJCAAE), founded in 2019, is the only national esports association exclusively for two-year colleges. 的NJCAAE is committed to increasing access to team dynamics, school representation, and campus life for the benefit of student-athletes and member institutions alike. 电子竞技参与者 and NJCAAE members benefit through meaningful, educational, and transformative opportunities which lead to greater retention and completion rates for participants. 已经拥有 over 60-schools from all regions of the United States after just two semesters of competition, the NJCAAE continues to make inroads to be the association of choice 适用于所有两年制学校.

ECAC eSports exists to add great value to its member schools by enhancing the competitive experience for hundreds of students seeking to participate in intercollegiate eSports. ECAC eSports will do so by sponsoring, conducting, and promoting first-rate competitions, 联赛,比赛,冠军和展览. 此外,ECAC电子竞技将 develop new methods of supporting and enhancing intercollegiate eSports competitions 以及学生的竞争经验. 廉政公署力求提供稳固的领导 throughout the region and nationally in eSports and serve as a model for other eSports 组织.

Tespa is a network of students, competitors, and club leaders. 一起,Tespa学生 are changing the world of collegiate eSports both on campus and on stage. Tespa组织 tournaments all over the country for 游戏 limited to Blizzard produced 游戏. Tespa的 student leaders have established hundreds of Tespa chapters across the United States and Canada, each serving as an open and inclusive hub for all types of gamers and 游戏.
•270+ -在北美各地的章节数量
•12万+ - Tespa成员数量 & 校友

| League of Legends | Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO) |
| Dota 2 | NBA 2K |使命召唤|
